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Our Alien Ancestry: Original Art & Magic - Chapter 21

Sun, Jun 26


Online Event

Returning to the central theme and Australia, this presentation focuses on two aspects of Old Way Culture: art and magic.

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Our Alien Ancestry: Original Art & Magic - Chapter 21
Our Alien Ancestry: Original Art & Magic - Chapter 21

Time & Location

Jun 26, 2022, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM GMT+10

Online Event

About the event

Original art is unique in that the term ‘art’ falls well short, it is so much more than just colour

and brush. It includes storytelling, the Dreaming, history, sacred sites, codes of behaviour and a

multitude of cultural pursuits. Both Uncle Alan and Peter will be sharing not just their work, but the

way it came about, the cultural imperatives along with the protocol and stages of creation that must

be respected before the paint and brush come into play. The way they work means that the stories

behind each painting must be fully understood, and equally, they must have permission before

anything else.

    Their work is stunning at first glance, but it runs much deeper than that. There was a time

way back when Original communication was expressed in angles and geometry, symbols and even

letters, but this was intentionally dismissed throughout the continent and replaced with either oral

stories or various forms of art, and often when at its most sublime, both merged into one. Peter and

Alan will share their art, how it came to be and why it is such an essential element of the Old Ways

that are coming back regardless.

     We will pick up the magical baton in sharing some of the mystical events we have been

involved in and add to these truths in referencing observations made by many other highly

credentialled witnesses. It is such a vexed and contentious path to examine, but nevertheless, we

have no choice as we have seen so many paranormal events, often at the behest of our Original

mentor and teacher Ramindjeri Elder Karno W. For us not to breach this academic divide would be

an insult to Karno, and that can never happen.

     Lea and I will continue our conversation with Lea’s Alien guide and advisor, Mezreth. His

comments are far beyond the capacities of any resident on this planet, and often trying to respond is

such a difficult task. Despite huge gap between Mezereth and ourselves, we will once again attempt

to add some explanations and extensions to his wisdom.


  • 2 hours

    Steven & Evan Strong

  • 1 hour 15 minutes

    Uncle Alan Parsons

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