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Our Alien Ancestry: Book Launch - Chapter 23

Sun, Aug 28


Online Event

Every culture's history ties back to one truth...

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Our Alien Ancestry: Book Launch - Chapter 23
Our Alien Ancestry: Book Launch - Chapter 23

Time & Location

Aug 28, 2022, 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM GMT+10

Online Event

About the event

This presentation ticks two boxes, it features three books at different stages in their growth. Paul Anthony Wallis’ latest book is a few months old, while the book Lea and I have just been released barely weeks earlier and the third book is still in its embryonic stage with its birth expected to be in weeks, perhaps even days. Despite the variety of authors and duration in timing they are bound by a unifying theme through the investigation of an Alien presence coming from many different settings and perspectives, and more importantly, what their intentions are leading up to and immediately past the upcoming Event.

    Paul will be drawing most of his content and inspiration from his third book. His standing and credentials in the Australian Church of England is well-accepted, as is his breadth and scope of knowledge in the Old Testament. With access to ancient religious papers and books rarely seen, and a very open approach in seeking out ancient truths, he found so much evidence of Alien involvement in so many passages. So much so that he contends the early use of God was always plural and these Gods are the exact same Sky-Heroes the Original Dreaming of Australia refer to throughout. Paul has the capacity to share these biblical truths lost in translation in such a clear, concise and utterly logical fashion, and what he is saying literally rewrites fundamental assumptions that underpin human history and evolution.

    The book Lea and myself have compiled is based on a series and question and answer sessions we had with Lea’s Alien guide and mentor, Mezreth. Undeniably, while the Bible is a universally known and tangible source from which Paul draws, Lea acting as an interpreter for an off-world Alien being is touch more tenuous and nebulous in comparison. When first meeting Lea and hearing her story these were some of my doubts, but after a series of ten questions given to Mezreth via Lea, of which two were very private and personal and one unknown by wife, his overall score of ten out of ten made me a total believer. Our plea is that if you harbour understandable doubts as I did, judge not us but the words of Mezreth when forming an opinion. In this session we will be reading his replies in the book and the responses we cobbled together. It is my firm belief that if reading his replies with an open mind you will agree with me that whoever said all of this with so much insight, wisdom and eloquence just could not be any mortal from this planet.

    The third book we shall be introducing is fully written and all bar published and focusses on the research, papers, books and life story of an Australian archaeologist, editor and journalist of the highest standing, published author of novels and poetry, Frederic Slater. His work at the Standing Stones site, the sensational picturegrams at Burragurra and his book, Scribes of the stone Age, maintain a consistent theme of Alien involvement in every aspect of Original life and culture, that the first people of Australia were the most advanced and “civilised,” along with his conviction that not only ancient Egyptians but all earlier civilisations regarded Australia to be a sacred holy place that was literally the envy of all and pinnacle of civilisation past and present. On top of this he had in his possession of an manual from 1830 that purported to be the complete dictionary with meanings of all stone-age engravings, not only found in Australia, but throughout the entire planet. He claimed he could accurately translate any ancient engraving anywhere on this planet.    All his work was lost and assumed destroyed, until barely a month ago when we gained exclusive access to all of his 400 pages of papers and a 650 page book we regard as the greatest archaeological book ever written on ancient man, along with his/her “creation” and “destiny.”


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